A community show with food, poetry, music and stories at its heart.
Together with LS14Trust, Unfolding Theatre has been working with 20+ young people in Seacroft and East Leeds over the summer, exploring the topics of food and community.
Our young people now welcome you to...The Future! - a restaurant which actively challenges ideas of grub and community.Join us for live entertainment from a host of sizzling performers with music, story-telling, poetry and more!
Shows 11am at Chapel FM.
Food will be provided as part of this very special show. Places are free but limited, so please book in advance.
Project inspired by Free School Meals
Directed by Annie Rigby
Performers Alex Elliott and Kay Greyson.
Workshop Co-Leader Natalie Quatermass
Designer Simon Henderson
Writer Luca Rutherford (original script that the group will be responding to to make their own)